Tutvustame Hispaania kohvikultuuri!

Tutvustame Hispaania kohvikultuuri!

Kas olete kunagi mõelnud, mida tähendab “Bombon” või “Café Asiatico”? Siin on lühike selgitus Hispaania kohvijookidest, et tellimine oleks teile lihtsam. Kohv ilma piimata või vähese piimaga. Café Solo: väike tass kanget musta kohvi. Café Solo Doble: sama, mis ülalpool, topelt espressoga. Café Americano: rohkem vett ja mahedama maitsega lahjendatud espresso. Café Cortado: “lõigatud” vaid…

Investing in Marbella Real Estate. 

Investing in Marbella Real Estate. 

Recent data reveals record-breaking hotel prices, indicating a thriving tourism industry that bodes well for real estate investment. According to the latest figures from the Boletín de Coyuntura Hotelera de Turismo Costa del Sol, hotel rates in the region have soared to  unprecedented levels, with visitors paying on average 31.6% more for their stay compared to 2019.

Republic of Estonia 106th Anniversary Ball in Marbella

Republic of Estonia 106th Anniversary Ball in Marbella

MMC Properties participated in the Estonian Independence Day Ball in Marbella Golf Country Club. The event was organized by Grete Mäeots and her partners Birgit Millert and Gertrud Lepik, who lead the Costa del Sol-based company G&G Events. There were over 130 participants at the ball, including several well-known Estonian entrepreneurs.

Marbella on Hispaania kolmas rahvusvaheline linn.

Marbella on Hispaania kolmas rahvusvaheline linn.

Viimaste andmete kohaselt on Marbella erinevate rahvuste osas enim esindatud kui ükski teine Andaluusia linn. 153 erineva rahvusega on see ka Hispaania kolmas sihtpunkt kõige mitmekesisema päritoluga elanike seas. Costa del Soli sihtkoht jääb maha ainult Madriidist (180) ja Barceloonast (177). Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon tunnustab ametlikult 195 riiki maailmas ning Marbellas elavad 153-me päritoluriigi esindajad….

Discover the Wonders of Sierra Nevada: Spain’s Enchanting Mountain Range

Discover the Wonders of Sierra Nevada: Spain’s Enchanting Mountain Range

Sierra Nevada is the southernmost ski resort in Europe and the highest in Spain, located in Andalucia, 170 km from Malaga airport. The ski center has 113 km of trails of varying difficulty, 21 lifts (including 2 gondolas and 14 chairlifts), the highest of which leads to a height of 3,282 m.